Friday, July 13, 2007

Kalalau Permits - Easier Done than Said

Taking a breather from the "Peru Report" to fill everyone in on the Kalalau permit process. Check out the state-run web site for camping permits on the Kalalau Trail and you might get the feeling that there is no chance to obtain a permit for a date that you would consider traveling on. There is mention of applying for permits one year in advance and "walk-in only" pickup on the first day of issuance. Here's what we learned:

1. Ignore what the site says except for the costs and length of stay..they are accurate. Kalalau beach is always open but the other campsites (Hanakapi'ai and Hanakoa) are closed and re-opened on no particular schedule.

2. Definately call the Hawaii Parks Department, the people are exceptionally nice and will mail you what you need. We called a few months before the dates we wanted and we got the dates in September we wanted. Yes there is a peak season in the summer months, but for most dates you will not have to apply a year in advance.

3. Once you pay for and sign the permits, be sure to send back the yellow copy as your permit is not valid until the signed version is on file.

4. Be an experienced hiker! This is a dicey trail and parts of it can wash out or streams can rise without first!

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