Monday, July 9, 2007

7 Wonders of the World Revealed

7 Wonders Revealed

Well the vote is in and the "new" 7 Wonders have been revealed. The voting just recently ended..although the top picks were announced in June. The new list being:

• The Great Wall of China

• Petra in Jordan

• Brazil's statue of Christ the Redeemer

• Peru's Machu Picchu

• Mexico's Chichen Itza pyramid

• The Colosseum in Rome

• India's Taj Mahal

Most of the list seems fair enough, however, (just a personal opinion here), Christ the Redeemer seems a bit out of place. It is a compelling site for sure but to rank it in the class of other architectural marvels of the ancient world seems a little misguided. Stonehenge or the Acropolis may have been a bit more fitting. What do you think? How many of these have YOU been to?

Upcoming Posts

I know these have been slow in coming but the real world gets in the way of writing (particularly when your not a writer to begin with!)

1. The rest of Peru (Urubamba and Lares Valley, Machu Picchu..complete with stunning pics). Check out the pics we just posted from Day 1..

2. Kalalau - yes, we're still going to do it..just got the permits!

3. Upcoming trips....Kili and Acongagua (we'll see about that one)

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